Modern therapy services for Latina women with your cultura in mind. A safe space to heal, learn, and embrace who you are.

Work with Deyanira

  • Individual Counseling

    Counseling Services for Latina women and teen girls who live in Texas and are seeking a safe space to work on their mental health.

  • Consultations

    Consultation Services for counselors in training seeking guidance with Grad School, the National Counselor Exam (NCE), and Private Practice as an LPC-Associate.

Can you relate to…

feeling overwhelmed? It’s finally your day off but instead of enjoying it, you find yourself stressing over the week to come and all the challenges it might bring. Or maybe you find yourself having to make important decisions but feel like the path you should take isn’t clear. The thought of the future can be hard to picture because you’ve struggled with perfectionism, and feeling like you have to make the right decision, instead of embracing making decisions that align with you. You try talking about this with loved ones but feel like they just don’t get it sometimes. Maybe somewhere along the way you stopped doing the things that you enjoyed and find yourself on the verge of burnout. You dream of what you wish your life could be, but talk yourself out of going for the things you want out of fear.

Or maybe you find yourself trying to have a healthy relationship with your family and want to explore what setting healthy boundaries con familia could look like with your cultura in mind. You may be trying to unlearn hurtful patterns to embrace your culture in a way that feels truest to you. You desire to do this while honoring both yourself and your loved ones. Or you might even be the cycle breaker in your family who wants a safe and validating space to desahogarte (to talk to release and alleviate) and continue your healing journey.

I want to let you know that you don’t have to figure this out on your own. No estás sola.

The work we do together…

will be collaborative and with your unique needs and cultura in mind. Therapy can offer a judgment-free space where you can feel supported and empowered. Bring your cafecito or favorite snack, get cozy, as we meet virtually for sessions. Your unique story and experiences matter. I believe in providing counseling services from a culturally sensitive and affirming perspective, and feel passionate about creating a safe space where you can feel seen and heard as we explore your mental health needs together.


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For therapists and therapists-in-training wanting resources through their academic and post-grad journey.